Thursday, 17 April 2008

kittin 19

...more again again again!...

narrator: look at them! cowering behind a rock while the Other Way roars and rages about
jj: we should try again. i'm not going to have come all this way just to be mildly terrified by a sheepy creature
amos: i am! i think we should run away home and have tea and crumpets
dave: that's very typically fairytale of you, amos. we should defeat this beast, and capture him
[there is a roar from the distance]
jj: if we can trip him on a rock, we can catch him in a net
[they prepare to trip the Other Way on a rock]
announcer: [appearing from the sidelines] i'll save you!
jj: we're alright actually, we're about to trip him on a...
announcer: [loudly] YOOOU SHALLLLL NOT PASSSSS!
jj: [quietly] um...
announcer: RAAAAAAH! [fires rocket launcher in general direction of Other Way] [misses profusely]
jj: at this point i think we should resort to plan B, namely the bit where we run away and have tea and crump... [there is a massive explosion]
all: aaaaah!
dr moose: *meow*
[dust etc. envelops foreground]
[coughs and spluttering]
narrator: well, that was messy
dave: yes, it was
narrator: ...and once again, everything went tits up when the announcer got involved
announcer: [weakly] i was only trying to help
[spluttering is heard in the distance]
jj: i think he may have stunned the Other Way!
[pan to Other Way lying stunned amongst the rubble]
amos: it was quite a stunning performance
announcer: thank you
amos: no, thank you
announcer: my pleasure
narrator: and so, the Other Way was finally at their mercy. but what would happen next?

grand finale to follow!

Monday, 14 April 2008

kittin 18


jj: [cautiously] i'm just cautiously entering the lair of the Other Way
dave: i'm following closely
amos: i'm making something of a nuisance of myself
dr moose: *meow*
narrator: and i'm gently spectacting in an omnipresent, omniscient sort of way
amos: lovely weather for ducks! [starts to sing] all the ducks are singing with your daughter, lalala
jj: shut it, amos! the beast is near! we must be very wary indeed
[from the distance there is a strange sound]
dave: it sounds a bit like a large sheep
narrator: and so it is! some say it resembles a ram, others a lamb, others still a ewe
amos: oh my!
jj: just as well i bought my spike [produces spike]
dave: and just what do you intend to do with that?!
jj: when we get close, i will spike the Other Way on the end, and thusly carry him home
amos: isn't that a bit dangerous?
jj: i'm willing to risk it
amos: but it will hurt!
jj: i can take the pain
amos: i mean, it will hurt the Other Way, the poor little beastie
[there is a contemplative pause]
dave: how about we just shoot it with tranquilizers?
jj: a fine plan!
dr moose: *meow*
narrator: and so, with tranquilizer guns drawn and set to "stun," our cautious heroes approach some more (i believe they've been approaching for several episodes now) and enter into sight of the Other Way at last
amos: sweet stephanie!
dave: it's a...
jj: ...lamb/ram/ewe/sheep thing...
all [apart from dr moose who goes *meow*]: the Other Way!
other way: [roars like a sheep]
jj: fire!
[they shoot their tranquilizer guns]
other way: [roars louder and more sheepishly than before]
jj: they're not working! he will not be overcome!
all: retreat!
narrator: and so they beat a hasty retreat around the corner, so that they don't have to gaze at the monster for another minute.
and that was all for today be continued in usual style...

Thursday, 10 April 2008

kittin 17

amos: we're off to see the kittin, the wonderful kittin of Oz...
narrator: our heroes continued on their quest to find an Other Way
announcer: i heard tell of an Other Way that lived in these here parts
dave: is that so?
announcer: a monster of a thing, it was. big, google eyes
dave: google eyes?! good grief
dr moose: *meow*
jj: we're doomed
amos: yahoo!
[everyone glares at amos]
amos: but i thought it was funny
narrator: and without further ado, our heroes continued some more
announcer: look! there it is!
[they turn]
[announcer runs off the other way]
dave: why, the sneaky devil is trying to steal our Other Way. i do believe he had no intention whatsoever of sharing it with us!
jj: the scoundrel!
amos: curse his little beard!
dr moose: *meow*
jj: pursue!
narrator: and so, they set off in hot pursuit until they finally caught the announcer by the tail
jj: gotcha!
dave: so we have!
announcer: so you have
amos: yes, we have
dave: indeed
announcer: yes
narrator: they had definitely...
dr moose: *meow*
narrator: ...sorry... they had definitely caught the announcer
jj: so tell us, you scoundrel, you sneaky devillish rascal with a little beard, where is this Other Way of yours?
announcer: [defeatedly] alright, alright, i'm sorry for my flight. it's just around the corner there in the deep underground lair
narrator: impressed by his rhymes, our heroes decided to follow his instructions and enter the lair...


Friday, 4 April 2008

kittin 16


announcer: [hums to self] kitten in a tin, it's a kitty-kitty-kit...
[there is a woosh]
amos: oh my!
dave: i think that was our Other Way
jj: i think you'll find it's *my* Other Way
announcer: and mine!
jj: well how do you propose we split it?
announcer: why don't you have it one week, i'll have it the next
dr moose: *meow*
jj: sorry, that's not going to happen
announcer: let's cross that bridge when we come to it
narrator: just then our heroes came to a bridge
jj: how appropriate
amos: and look, there is our Other Way, lurking there in the shadows on the far side
dave: that's not an Other Way, it's a tiger!
amos: a tiger! oh yes, so it is
announcer: [hums] a tiger in a tin, a tiger in a tin, tiggy-tig-tiger...
narrator: ssh! you'll wake it
jj: i believe it's already awake
tiger: *roar*
dr moose: *meow*
dave: this is going to take all of our wit and cunning
announcer: [throws the tiger some bread]
[they sneak past]
amos: well, that was surprisingly easy
narrator: what a disappointment
dave: but we still haven't found the Other Way
narrator: and so, having not achieved very much at all, our heroes to decided to...
[dramatic music] KEEP LOOKING!


Tuesday, 1 April 2008

kittin 15

amos: you're a dog! you're a tiger! stretttttch it!
jj: [leaps about]
dave: what's going on here?
amos: i'm just helping jeremy-jeremy here with his training
jj: i'm thinking about joining the army or something, you know... see the world, get some life experience, live a little
dave: there's an important catch there, jj... you know they won't allow you in if you're in a tin?
jj: get out!
dave: it's true!
narrator: it is
jj: well then, damnit, i shall have to find some Other Way
amos: other way to what?
jj: just generally, some Other Way
narrator: [helpfully] he's put capitals on the "O" and the "W"
amos: oh
jj: yes, and "W"
narrator: and so jeremy-jeremy hopalong and co went on a quest to find the Other Way
dr moose: *meow*
narrator: but not before collecting their good friend and accomplice, and kitten-in-a-tin, the wonderful dr moose
announcer: [sneakily sneaks around in the background]
dave: look at that sneaky fella, sneaking around so sneakily. i wonder what his sneak is?
announcer: [calls from the distance] i, er... i've lost my Other Way! have you seen it anywhere?
amos: [giggling] i think it went that way...
announcer: [looks]
amos:, the OTHER way! [giggles some more, like a little girl on a tricycle going down a hill]
narrator: after another compeltely unfunny outburst from amos, our heroes decided to team up with the sneaky announcer fella and look for...
[dramatic music]

...more to come